Find Out Who’s Number One In Kansas City
The Book of Lists is a wonderful resource published annually by the Kansas City Business Journal. Say you’re interested in hiring a web designer to create a web site for your business, go to the Book of Lists first and you’ll find out how much revenue your web designer clears in a year.
This isn’t just for businesses. You can find out which hospital in the metro area has the largest revenues (KU Medical Hospital). They even list the biggest tourist attractions in the area. Hint: three of them are in Wyandotte County. There is one thing that really makes this year’s Book of Lists something special. On the front cover there’s a beautiful color picture of one of the finest machines to ever roll off an assembly line. Yes, I’m talking about the 2010 Buick LaCrosse proudly made in Kansas City, Kansas! Not only is it great to see a quality product made in KCK right on the front page, the Buick LaCrosse also gave Lexus a run for its money in a recent comparison by the automotive press. It’s great to know that the manufacturing in this town is second to none. Along with KCK’s new Buick, the new Schlitterbahn is really something special too. That’s one thing that makes the Book of Lists so fantastic. You can see who the movers and shakers are in Wyandotte County. Of course, these lists aren’t just limited to Kansas City, Kansas. They include the entire metro area. So if you’re curious about the 12th largest airline serving Kansas City (Air Canada) or the hospital with the most admissions (North Kansas City Hospital) in the region, this is your resource.
On Tuesday, January 5, there will be a job hunting talk on the first floor of Kansas City, Kansas Public Library. This talk will take place in the first floor computer lab at the Main Library on 625 Minnesota Avenue with a special guest speaker from Workforce Partnership.
On Tuesday, January 12, there will be a talk about mortgages and credit scores with a special guest speaker from Brotherhood Bank and Trust starting at 5:30 pm. If you’re wondering about the mortgage mess or you’re curious about how credit scores are measured, this presentation will show how banks come up with these numbers and how you can improve your score. This talk will be up in the second floor auditorium. Until next time, catch me in the library.
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