Thursday, April 02, 2015

Wal-Mart, Financial Literacy and More

Did you know that Wal-Mart is the third largest employer on the planet or that they have recently begun to expand their stores into center city locations?  There was a two-part series recently on Wal-Mart and the company's impact on wages, local communities, and consumers.  Here's some news on some of Wal-Mart's latest initiatives:

Secondly, I came across an article on financial literacy from MarketWatch:

According to a financial literacy survey of 42,000 college students conducted by a financial aid disbursement company, on average students could only answer two out of every six questions correctly.  Whether or not this is an accurate reflection of college students, it gives one pause.  A while back there was a $15 million settlement with a company that works in higher education called Higher One:

Apparently, this was over debit card fees.  On one hand, it's good to see a financial aid disbursement company taking an interest in financial literacy.  On the other, it shows how easy it is to lose track of debit card fees.  When you're in college, you probably have other things on your mind such as writing papers, studying for tests, and often working part-time (or even holding down a full-time gig).  That said, some help with financial literacy never hurt anyone.  Starting on Monday, April 20, we will be having Money Smart Week programming at SUNY-College at Old Westbury.  Details on these programs will be up shortly.  Until next time, catch me in the library.


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