Get Some Education with Business
Education is an important part of success with business. That doesn’t necessarily mean having an MBA either. There are a lot of different classes a small business owner can take. Even taking one class can radically improve your business knowledge. Whether it’s brushing up on accounting or learning about advertising, these classes can pay dividends later. Business techniques are constantly evolving. One of the most frequent reasons businesses fail is because the owners had poor accounting and financial expertise. An accounting class can go a long way towards fixing that.
At Donnelly College, classes are offered on a variety of different subjects. Business is a popular area of study. You’ll find programs offering business certificates and bachelor’s degrees. Quality education shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. Donnelly offers financial aid and is proud to offer the least expensive tuition of any private school in the state of Kansas.
Essentially, this is a great way to gain new perspectives on how to grow your business. Take a class and watch your business grow. At the very least, you can determine if starting your own business is the right move for you.
With library programming, there will be a presentation on Tuesday, July 13 from 6:30-7:30 pm about business education at Donnelly College. Come to the library to learn more about taking classes at Donnelly College in business-related areas. Our guest speaker is from the college and has a background with business education. On Tuesday, July 20, there will be two grant writing talks at Kansas City, Kansas Public Library. The first presentation is on “How to Obtain Non-Profit Status” and runs from 3-5 pm. This is perfect if you’re interested in obtaining grants but aren’t quite sure which steps you need to take to become a non-profit organization. The second presentation, also on July 20, features “Tips for Effective Grant Writing”. This talk will take place from 6-8 pm. “Tips for Effective Grant Writing” is ideal if you’re ready to start writing grants and have determined your organization’s non-profit objectives. Both of these grant writing presentations will feature a guest speaker who offers consulting to non-profit organizations. All three of these presentations will take place in the second floor auditorium at the Main Library on 625 Minnesota Avenue. Please RSVP in advance by contacting Curt Friehs, Business Librarian at 913.279.2064. Until next time, catch me in the library.
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