Monday, December 16, 2019

Rainy Day Ready: Financial Literacy Programs and Tools

My book chapter on Financial Literacy Fair programming just came out!  Published by ALA Editions, it's part of Rainy Day Ready: Financial Literacy Programs and Tools.  One of the most fascinating parts of being a librarian is publishing.  Yet many librarians never attempt to publish their work in professional literature.  Any library with a budget can purchase a book.  It's an entirely different enterprise to create work and get it into print.  Again, most anyone can post on a blog or social media.  And the self-publishing industry thrives.  Through those channels, there aren't many standards as to what will get published or not.  It doesn't mean that a self-published book or post doesn't have worth.  It's just that when something is free, it's being assigned a particular value. As Taylor Swift once put it, "Valuable things should be paid for."  As far as I'm concerned, book publishing is no different.  All in all, it's a learning experience and it's neat creating something of lasting value.  You can get this book through ALA Editions:

Or you can get it on Amazon:

Or other fine places where books are sold.  As of this writing, the book is selling for $60-80 a copy.  While the price may fluctuate over time, your purchase supports the American Library Association.  And thank you to my editor, Melanie Welch -you were absolutely phenomenal.  And to everyone else, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


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