Sunday, April 24, 2022

Fight "Ruscism"

 I came across a new word today in the New York Times -"ruscism".  It's the English language equivalent of a Ukrainian word for russia's slide into fascism.  Written by a history professor at Yale University, I learned a lot about Ukraine and russia from this article:

The War in Ukraine Has Unleashed a New Word - The New York Times (

Ukrainians are mocking and ridiculing russia as they should.  If spelling russia with a lower case "r" makes that belligerent, war-hungry country less scary and more pathetic, I say go for it!  Apparently, the Ukrainian language is not nearly as rule bound as russian or English.  Or maybe they're fed-up with getting invaded and have bigger things to worry about than being sticklers for grammar.  

I have much respect for Ukraine.  If you're criticizing NATO and ignoring russia's aggression in some far-left "anti-war" group that's an apologist for Dictator Putin or flying a "Let's Go Brandon" or "F--- Joe Biden" flag in front of your house, you're part of the problem.  You can disagree with Pres. Biden without being a jerk by putting profanity on your front lawn.  Likewise, if you are anti-war, you can't just sit by "when a dictator declares war and commits genocide" as Joe Biden put it.  I still remember all the anti-war protests on college campuses against George W. Bush during the Iraq War.  All fine and good back then but where are they now?  In many ways, Dictator Putin is far worse than former Pres. George W. Bush.  And it's easy for anyone without an authoritarian mindset to see why.  Occasionally, George W. got something right.  For instance, George W. Bush is 100% correct when he stated that electric vehicles and gas mileage are directly linked to America's national security:

George W. Bush, Father of the Modern Electric Car (

That's one reason that I own an electric car.  If you don't want America getting tangled up in dopey wars in the Middle East while enabling dictators like Putin, make sure your commuter car gets great gas mileage.  And to be clear, I'm not puritan.  You can have a classic Corvette or Jeep in the garage for Sunday drives and sunny days.  And have you heard?  Jeep is making a plug-in Wrangler and there are plans for an electric Corvette.  Times are changing.  In the meantime, to hell with ruscism!  


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