Kansas City, Kansas Public Library – A Great Place to Start a Successful Job Search

The library is a fantastic resource to start a job search. We offer free internet and tons of books to help. Just the other day I had a Central Pennsylvania flashback. I had just graduated with my undergrad degree and was looking for work. Waking up everyday without work (even for a week or two) is depressing. It was kind of like in the movie Groundhog Day when Bill Murray wakes up to the music of Sonny and Cher repeatedly in Rural Pennsylvania. To make a long story short, it’s just not where you want to be. I ended up getting several offers plus one came my way that was quite tempting. It was a financial analyst gig that paid serious coin in the Harrisburg, PA area. The reason all this happened was because of free internet access at the library. I could sit down and start looking for work. Jobs that weren’t in the newspaper were online. True, I couldn’t spend the whole day on the computer but it really helped at a point in my life when I couldn’t rationalize spending anything more than nothing for internet access.
Kansas City, Kansas Public Library like every other world-class free library offers fantastic resources to help you get your career on the right track. Being offered a position that pays more than some attorneys make in the area is no small thing. It’s been said that “only in America” can things like this happen. To that I add “only in your library”.
Just the other day I had a patron approach me on the desk. He told me that thanks to the computer access in the library and help from librarians he had landed a tech-related position in the area. The job pays quite well. Again, he was in the right place at the right time. He was also in what I call a Central Pennsylvania Funk (CPF) until some good things started to pan out. Meaning that you could be living in Hawaii but if you don’t have work, it’s still going to be crummy. When I found work by the boatload, the place transformed itself. All of a sudden, I went from being an outsider to a towns-person in a rural community as tightly knit as anything in Vermont or Maine. The key to success was not giving up and connecting with others in the borough. As they say, “Information age got you down… then head to the library in town”.
One last thing -learn how to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft at Kansas City, Kansas Public Library. There will be a talk on Wednesday, February 18 in the Main Library at 625 Minnesota Ave. This presentation will take place in the second floor auditorium and starts at 6:30 pm. The presentation will focus mainly on preventing thieves from stealing your identity but also present some tips for damage control once actual identity theft has occurred. Until next time, catch me in the library.
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