Shocker Open Access Repository
Hello again,
One thing I wanted to make you aware of is the Shocker Open Access Repository (SOAR). This is a great way place to put your publications online. Serials, journals, newsletters, etc can be placed on this site for free. Anyone can search them and it's one way you can add greater visibility to your publications. It's searchable through Google which makes it accessible. If you have any interest in this, please click on the link below to learn more:
On to more fun tech stuff:
There are some tech things brewing in the library world. Second Life has become a big deal.
Personally, I'm holding out. I'm perfectly happy with my present life so I don't quite see the need for another one. Nonetheless, I have seen a number of librarians among other people become completely enthralled with the site. The idea is that people join for free but then have the opportunity to purchase "virtual" items and real estate with Linden dollars (approx. 270 Linden to $1 US). Monthly maintenance fees on virtual real estate can push $200 (US) and that's not including the purchase price. You know, I wish I would have thought of this. Getting people to pay hundreds of dollars a month in maintenance fees for "virtual" real estate they "own". Brilliant! The best part is that the landlord controls the currency exchange rate too. It would be interesting to know more about the privately-held company that runs Second Life and their profit margins.
Well, enjoy the summer and warm Kansas weather.
Best regards,