Friday, April 14, 2017

Leadership Development Certificate Program: Consumer Advocacy 101

At SUNY Old Westbury we have popular Leadership Development Certificate Program (LDCP) offerings on-campus for students.  Students get credit for learning about leadership and well... it gives us faculty an opportunity to engage students outside of the traditional classroom setting while sharing what we know.  On Tuesday, April 25 during common hour, I will be giving a financial literacy themed presentation called "Consumer Advocacy 101: Avoid Getting Ripped Off".  For more details, drop me an email.  I can be reached at friehsc at  In the meantime, have a good weekend and enjoy this marvelous spring weather.

Monday, April 03, 2017

Warren Buffett and Cherry Coke

Warren Buffett has been a big fan of Cherry Coca-Cola over the years.  Now his image is on Cherry Coke cans in China:

While these special Cherry Coke cans are for a limited-time only, apparently Warren Buffett has quite a following in China.  We live in an increasingly inter-connected world and it's hardly surprising to see stories along these lines.  That means access to a variety of different foods, beverages, and apparently investors such as the "Oracle of Omaha".   According to the article, China also has Dairy Queen.  Between Dairy Queen, Cherry Coke, and the popularity of Buick vehicles, China has some things in common with places like Nebraska and Kansas -two other places with plenty of Warren Buffett fans.