Friday, March 14, 2014

Credit Card Fraud and You

A number of retailers have had security breaches with credit and debit cards.  At times, there may not be much you can do but there are steps you can take to minimize the damage.  This recent article in the NY Times mentions a few things you can do as a consumer to protect yourself:

In the next year and a half, credit card companies plan to begin using more smart chip technology.  These cards are especially helpful for international travel where they are often the standard overseas.  It's much more secure than a magnetic strip.  In fact, some US credit cards already offer this advanced security feature.  If you're concerned about security (or want to see want the future looks like today), here's a list of credit cards that already have smart chips:

Finally, I came across an interesting story on Wendy's:

Apparently, they've done a lot of charity work for children and adoptions.  It wasn't something they advertised very much.  While their promotion strategy is changing, it gives you some idea of the sort of things one company can do to make a positive difference in society.  Until next time, catch me in the library.  Enjoy spring break too!

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

A Changing World for Corporate Legal Services

I came across this article in last Sunday's Boston Globe:

It provides some insight into the ways that corporate legal services are evolving.  Outsourcing?  Yes, that's an increasingly popular option -but not all about sending jobs overseas.  If you have a law firm in the Northeast, it can be less expensive to hire attorneys in a Dayton, Ohio for some things.  Until next time, catch me in the library.