Friday, September 14, 2012

Psychology Database Trial

Business and psychology often have some overlap.  Right now we have a psychology database trial going on.  Some of these databases might be of interest.  One database, PsycTHERAPY focuses on techniques for therapy and counseling.  It includes plenty of videos of field related work.

PsycTESTS is a database full of psychiatric tests.  Both databases can be reached by clicking on the following link:

Until next time, catch me in the library.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Greetings and Welcome Back

As our library renovation continues, things are a little hectic.  That being said, we have some wonderful resources.  2012 is a big election year.  Via Stephen Kirkpatrick, LexisNexis has created a page that highlights all the ways you can get the most out of the database with the elections:

We also have two weeks left on a database trial with American Periodicals at Old Westbury.  The database itself focuses on older publications from 1740 to 1940.  It's all online so you don't have to mess around with microfilm.  Here's a link to check that out too:

Until next time, catch me in the library.