Monday, March 11, 2013

CCH Database Talk! Thursday 3/19 Common Hour 12-1 pm

On Thursday 3/19, we will have a CCH Tax Research Network presentation.  If you're a business student or faculty at Old Westbury, this presentation will be of particular interest.  Did I mention free food?  Yes, there will be free snacks available.  So if you're not busy during common hour (12-1 pm) on March 19 and are interested in learning about tax research, please email me at FriehsC at to RSVP.

Until next time, catch me in the library.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Profits and Jobs

I came across an interesting NY Times article.  Apparently, profits are up but it's still hard to find work:

Those are certainly some sobering statistics.  Although the economy has improved since the Great Recession, things are taking a while to recover -particularly on the jobs front.  It's not easy out there!  Until next time, catch me in the library.