Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Financial Literacy Libguide

As the cold weather continues in Long Island, I've been busy planning for spring which means... flowers blooming and Money Smart Week!  Money Smart Week takes place on the week of April 18-25 and focuses on financial literacy.  Financial literacy is defined... Actually, you'll find a complete definition if you visit my Financial Literacy Libguide:

In the meantime, we have some exciting programs coming down the pike for Money Smart Week.  Details to follow.  The Financial Literacy Libguide also has a lot of information that relates to budgeting, scams, credit cards, student loan debt, and more.  If you're looking for a plan to save for a vacation, new car, or tackle your student loans, this is a good place to start!

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

New York State and Herbal Supplements

Do you ever wonder what goes into a bottle of herbal supplements?  Apparently, the New York State Attorney General's office does:

A lot of this gets into consumer advocacy issues.  In fact, the NYS Attorney General's office has quite a list of complaint forms too:

There's actually a lot of information on the NYS Attorney General's web site.  It's actually a pretty neat site.  Until next time, catch me in the library.