The Last Two Months Seem a Little Fuzzy
It's been a couple of months since I last updated my blog. Things have been a little hectic. For one thing, I'm now the business librarian at Kansas City, Kansas Public Library. So far, so good! I'm enjoying the work quite a bit and KC has some of the best BBQ on earth.
My memory is a bit fuzzy though. I distinctly remember driving a barely road-worthy U-Haul across Kansas and then seeing hills, then trees, and finally both hills and trees. I will say one thing -Kansas has some fairly diverse landscapes. There's prairie, plains, and a small tip of land in Northeastern Kansas that looks an awful lot like Pennsylvania. Seriously, Kansas is one beautiful state and sunflowers are literally everywhere. You even see sunflowers in the Fairfax District in Kansas City, Kansas. That's where GM makes the Chevy Malibu. Few things can compare to gazing out at a parking lot that stretches towards the horizon chuck full of brand new Chevrolets.
Yes, it's different than Wichita. A change can be a good thing and I'm really enjoying all the great things KC has to offer. If you've never been, the Nelson-Atkins Museum is really something else. Also, I feel like I really helped Wichita State University Libraries so much in the last three years. Looking back at this blog, I see a number of substantial business & communication related databases added at WSU Libraries and other great additions. While I'm certainly not the only one responsible for these positive additions, I still feel a profound sense of accomplishment.
Plus, I have a journal article coming down the pike with my co-author Cindy Craig. In higher ed, the emphasis placed on research can vary from institution to institution and even within the university -depending on the college. Librarians typically get 12 month contracts and we don't always have lots of time for research. So yes, I'm really psyched about getting published. Plus, working as an assistant professor/librarian for a few years gave me a better understanding of the workings of higher education. So many people spend years in school working on advanced degrees and then (if they're fortunate) they land a tenure-track position. In other words, working at Wichita State University was a great experience and now I'm on to a new adventure.
At any rate, you will notice some changes to this blog. I'll keep ya posted!