Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome Back (Almost)

Classes will be starting soon at College at Old Westbury again. Our library has made a fantastic addition to our collection. We have a new database called Reference USA. So what's the big deal? Reference USA can be used to locate over 14 million US businesses. It's arguably the ultimate phone book. You can locate virtually any business, their contact information, location, number of employees, and so on. Using Reference USA is ideal for someone preparing for a job interview or even locating potential employers. You can search by company name and across industries.

As if that wasn't enough, it also peels potatoes... Paying attention here? Good. While it won't peel potatoes, this database can help you get your money back if a company is messing you over. In other words, you can work your way up the corporate hierarchy because Ref. USA actually gives you lists of the top corporate brass. If you're having an issue with a company, knowing the right person to contact is key to resolving customer service issues. This database has other uses as well. To see more, click here to see what Reference USA can do for you: