Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Future of Libraries

A thanks to Stephen for passing this report along:

My thoughts: Naturally, I tend to go to the pro/con section first.  The first thing I noticed was that the question was on whether or not to filter internet access in public libraries.  Oh, I've heard about that debate before.  Still, I'm pleased that they're not debating over whether there will be a library in the future!  Occasionally, someone will say that libraries are falling by the wayside.  They tend not to be heavy users of public libraries.  Have a good week.  Until next time, catch me in the library.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Reference USA

I hope everyone had a good holiday.  In the past, I've written on Reference USA.  It's still a great database for job hunting and searching virtually any US based business -publically owned or privately held. 
Personally, I find Reference USA to be best for learning about a small business.  Sometimes, I get business cards from business owners or employees.  With over 14 million small businesses in America, it's not unusual to be unaware of a new, small business.  If I'm curious about their company, my first stop is Reference USA.  If the business isn't in Reference USA's database, I start to wonder...  Why do they have a noticeable web presence yet there's nothing in Reference USA?  I should mention that Reference USA charges nothing to business owners to be in the database either.  Really, Ref USA is something for an entrepreneur or anyone with an interest in business to be familiar with.  To learn more, click on this link:

Until next time, catch me in the library.