Friday, July 31, 2020

COVID-19 and Libraries

COVID-19 and libraries don't mix!  The library field faced some stiff headwinds and that was before the pandemic hit.  It's been said that the future is a lot like the present, just more so.  With COVID-19, I'm ordering food on my phone.  I'm dining out a lot less and hitting the grocery store much more.  I can't really travel like I used to.  All in all, it's been a lot of change.

In terms of libraries, things were going online more.  Now they're going to really go online!  For the first time that I can remember, it's been months since I physically stepped foot into a library.  I use the databases constantly and still read a lot.  The other day, I ordered a book on Amazon.  Libraries used to be my go-to destination for books.  That's changing.  Given a choice, I still prefer print books.  If anything, I do it for the change of pace.  After looking at a computer screen for hours, it's more fun to have a print book.  And then when I'm done reading the books, I can give my copies to friends or return the copy to the library.  Still, this is a big change.  And I have a feeling that things won't get back to whatever passes for normal until we have a vaccine.  Until then, please stay safe, wear a mask, and wash your hands.